It has been a very busy couple of weeks in the Foundation classroom. Students have participated in various activities including making chocolate rumballs for “Mother’s Day” and zombie sandwiches as part of their literacy sessions. It was great to see them in their pj’s last Friday as a fundraiser for the Salvation Army. They have also been watering their veggie patch and are excited to see the seedlings grow.

In English, we have continued to focus on alphabet sound knowledge, word and sentence structure, writing goals including finger spaces and full stops, word endings and the magic 100 words. In reading, we are focusing on making predictions before we read and while we read. We are also reinforcing sequencing, retelling and understanding of rhyming words/patterns. Children continue to write recounts based on their weekend.

In Maths we are practising ordinal numbers, bundling to make tens using pop sticks and also informally measuring length. Students have enjoyed learning the concepts using hands on activities in class.

Mrs. Tarbinder Pandher
Foundation Teacher